Preliminary Energy Audit (Walk-through Assessment):

Glimpse activity surveys the energy consumption process of the system. Preliminary audit helps identify and assess opportunities and energy saving potential of key energy consumption devices in the system, this activity can determine at least 70% energy saving opportunities in the system.

Implementation step:

  • Surfing survey through entire technology lines, energy supply and consumption equipments, workshops, etc.
  • Identify technology’s principles and process
  • Identify energy flow.
  • Identify quantitative energy saving opportunities.
  • Identify devices, points which need to be measured deeper later and location to place measurement instruments.

Information display result and content:

  • Category
  • Energy saving opportunity name
  • Potential saving chance (estimated)
  • Cost to implement deeper quantitative survey

Overall Energy Audit (Energy Survey and Analysis):

A survey, collects, analyzes energy consumption data activities in the past and present. Detect energy saving opportunities more detail (by collecting and analyzing past and present data, identifying opportunity and analyzing technical and economic possibility).

Implementation steps:

  • Collect and analyze past data
  • Survey and examine measurement location, collect data, get sample (if needed)
  • Detect measure.
  • Formulate data collection table on site.
  • Implement to collect data on site.
  • Survey market to determine the availability of technology and instrument price (if any)
  • Analyze technical possibility of solutions
  • Analyze economic, cost/investment benefit of solutions.
  • Classify priority of solutions (depend on enterprise’s requirement)

Information display result and content:

  • Energy saving opportunities, measures category.
  • Solution saving calculated level
  • Solution investment level
  • Payback period of each measures
  • Recommendation of measure’s priority order (if needed, based on enterprise’s requirement)

Detail Energy Audit (Detailed Analysis of Capital Intensive Modifications):

Detail Energy Audit is the survey, collection, analysis activities on technical, enconomic profit, financial… for some energy saving measures of energy consumption system.

Implementation steps:

  • Collect past data of the target (devices, lines, method, etc.)
    • Operation
    • Productivity
    • Energy consumption…
  • Survey, measuring, examining, following target device’s activity
    • Operational practice
    • Measurement on site …
  • Solution development
    • Make a list of detailed option that may be applied
  • Survey, measuring, examining, following target device’s activity
    • Operational practice
    • Measurement on site
    • Data analysis
  • Survey market (if needed)
  • Measures analysis
    • Select the best solution
      • Technical
      • Investment
      • Execution
  • Calculate investment cost
    • Finanical benefit analysis
    • Determine and analyze funds …

Information display result and content:

  • Detail information on used energy saving solutions.
    • Management solution
    • Technical solution
    • Using device, price…
  • Detail information on financial solutions:
    • Investment level
    • Payback time,
    • Financial resource, benefit/cost of capital
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